Friday, January 25, 2013

The Truth.

YAY! Now we know the truth...whether that's good or not is of little consequence. Queen and Yoo-Hoo helped along to finish this. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A trite cliche is the norm.

This is what the media has led us to believe...true love...bleh. Thanks, John Cusack. I kid, of course, true love is always possible, but not during a blackout as Charlie is starting to realize...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Awkward First Impression

Wow, this took an interesting turn. It's difficult to write a comic after coming back from MAGFest. But here it is! Charlie, finally meets the owner of the room he woke up in. Savor the awkwardness.....I love his face in the last panel.